
Known for her raw, unblinking look into the darker parts of humanity, Tressa strives for deeply character driven stories that keep the pages turning.


An award winning pencil artist, Tressa has taken on the digital age with finely detailed, soft textured digital paintings that are her signature style.

Outside the box.

Bucking the confines of stereotype and labels is something Tressa delights in doing everyday; in life, in art, on the page. She can't be placed in a box.

At the desk

July 24, 2023

I'm always astounded by how fast time gets away from me. I believe, now irrevocably, that age makes time leap forward at blinding speed. I'm feeling the full force of that keenly. It hasn't helped that I've had to go back to paycheck work again. ~sigh~

I did indeed finish NaNo in 2021. The Spring of the Rabbits is first draft complete. However, I hate almost every word, so I never went back to it. I feel like I failed the story miserably; it needs a complete rewrite. Perhaps when I can catch a breather in my life, I can do just that. For now, this series is on hold, unfortunately.

When I do find a bit of time, I am still painting in intermitten spurts. Check out my latest work in progress below!

October 21, 2021

After much quibbling back and forth in my chaotic mind, I've made the final decision to participate in NaNoWriMo this year. It's been nine years since I last did it, so it's going to take me a little bit to get my head in the game. I've got just under two weeks to prep. I use the term prep loosely since I'm a "pantser", but there are a few things I need to get in order since this will be the final book in the Seasonal Insanity series -- The Spring of the Rabbits.

I want to give a little shout out to a friend from an online game I play who is doing NaNo this year and really encouraged me to jump in. Honestly, I probably would not have if not for her. I'll save my thanks for when November is over, as I might very well be cursing her out in the meantime. haha!

I'll check in here periodically to update my progress. Wish me luck!!

October 05, 2021

To say it's been a little while since I last updated my website is an extreme understatement of the obvious. There has been what seems a half lifetime of happenings in the last seven years. I continue to work on honing what small talent I have in both writing and art by practicing both as I can. I've uploaded some new art on the Art page . Please feel free to have a look.

I will endeavor to be more active in updating my little slice of the internet and not let so much time lapse, though time moves ever so much more swiftly with each passing year. I can hardly believe it's flown so quickly!

March 19, 2014

As bitterly cold as Winter may have been. As long as the deep nights dragged. The excitement of the turning of seasons quickens the blood and fuels the creative energy that drives me forward. I am eager for the sweet scents of new green to fill the air. It's right around the corner.

Work moves at the inevitable snail's pace, but it is still forward motion and that's good. Even if I wish to race ahead, I must remember who won between the tortoise and the hare. The writing aspect of The Fall of the Cicadas is nearly complete; so when I send the manuscript to my betas, I'll get back to work on the cover. I'm still targeting third quarter for it to be available.

December 5, 2013

As the year winds down, I feel the crisp stirring of the season in my perpetually chilled bones. My fingers are slower to move across the keyboard or my graphic tablet, my tired body would rather snuggle down into deep hibernation as the rational creatures do. But that isn't the human way, so I must gear myself mentally to trudge through the snow and cold.

Circumstances in my life have forced me to take a part-time job outside the home... outside my work as an author and an artist - which unfortunately doesn't pay the bills. Paycheck work after 15 years of not doing it has sucked the energy right out of me so the work I want to do is pushed back yet again as I try to cope with such a huge change in my life and routine. It doesn't help they schedule me for all shifts willy-nilly.

It is my greatest desire to buckle down and focus on getting The Fall of the Cicadas out by the third quarter of next year if not sooner; I will continue to push forward with that regardless of whatever else is going on around me. It may be a slow process, but the way down the path is one step at a time.

Check the Archives for older news entries.

On the easel

Latest digital painting of one of my cats, Nova. About 8 hours on it so far.